SEO Link Building Techniques to Gain Keyword Rankings

SEO Link Building Techniques to Gain Keyword Rankings

Link building is one of the most important factors when it comes to SEO. Unique and creative content is a great way to earn or gain more links. Below are a few ways to build links using quality content. But first, let talk about what link building is all about.

What is Link Building?

Link building is the process of gaining more links through a variety of methods. From creating links on social or review platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Yelp, to directory link build and earned links, they all play a huge part in where your website ranks within SERPs when a potential customer Google’s services or products you provide. These links that lead back to your website often appear in as blue text, and they act as a sort of verification signal to search engines that your site can be trusted. This trust factor grows into what’s called Domain Authority, and the more search engines trust your site, the higher your domain authority and online rankings will be.

Link Building Techniques:


Mentions within Content

Mentioning other companies or organizations is a great way to gain links. Positive mentions can then be shared with the site/company mentioned with a link request.

Testimonial Content

Sharing testimonials about companies or organizations that you partner with is also a great way to gain links. Testimonials can then be shared with the site/company with a link request.

Educational Link Building Content

Providing educational content of high value can help attract other website owners to cite you as a source with a backlink citation. In addition, it’s also a great way to gain even more social links from shares.

Directory Links

Web directories have changed in recent years, but are just as prevalent as ever. With a directory, you add depth and diversity to your SEO whether your use it for business, social, or informational purposes.

Link Partnerships

Contacting existing partners for a link exchange is a great way to gain links.

Community Involvement

Participating in the community can gain high powered links organically. One of the best ways to start this process is to ask for backlinks to your site on all web pages used for events or programs.